Newsletter + copywriting briefing sheet

Company details

Please enter your order number/reference if you know it.

Newsletter information

Key messages you want to be included about your product/brand, any products you specifically want to be referenced in the newsletter, competitive position of brand and unique qualities. Please provide web links for all claims that require sources e.g. 'No.1 best selling in the country', 'Scientifically proven to…'.
What action do you want readers to take? i.e. visit website to sign up, use code to redeem offer, shop now. Optional: include social handles.
What page do you want your newsletter to click through to?

Additional information


e.g. specific spelling of the product, trademarks or copyrights, approved by any regulatory bodies.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Use to upload additional documents, examples, etc.