Brand development briefing sheet

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Brand information

This is a breakdown of the objectives of a brand, both short and long term.
This is a summary of the process through which a brand aims to achieve their vision.
This encapsulates the solutions and promises that a brand intends to communicate to customers and business prospects.
These are core principles that guide a brand in everything they do. Be it trust, sustainability, innovation – these are values that your customers either share or seek.
This is an outline of the demographic of consumers that you wish to reach with your brand.
This is the reason that customers should favour your brand over another – what makes you unique.
This is an outline of similar brands that your target audience could potentially choose over yours.
This is a description of the reasons that your brand can offer a better product or service than the key competitors.
This is your own unique style of communication. Your brand voice comprises words and tone that should be consistently identifiable throughout all forms of brand communications.
Lastly, the brand culture is made up of code of conduct, work ethics, and a list of principles that summarise the internal environment of a brand.
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